An inductive definition of le
Reserved Infix "<~" (at level 70).
Inductive leI: nat → nat → Type :=
| leI_refl n: n <~ n
| leI_down {n p}: p.+1 <~ n → p <~ n
where "n <~ m" := (leI n m): nat_scope.
Lemma leI_up {n p: nat}: n <~ p → n <~ p.+1.
induction 1. constructor. now constructor. now constructor.
Lemma leI_0 {p}: O <~ p.
induction p. now constructor. now apply leI_up.
Lemma leI_lower_both {n p}: p.+1 <~ n.+1 → p <~ n.
induction 1 using leI_rec with (P := fun p n _ ⇒ pred p <~ pred n).
now constructor. destruct p0. now apply leI_0. now constructor.
Lemma leI_raise_both {n p}: p <~ n → p.+1 <~ n.+1.
induction 1. now constructor. now constructor.
Inductive leI: nat → nat → Type :=
| leI_refl n: n <~ n
| leI_down {n p}: p.+1 <~ n → p <~ n
where "n <~ m" := (leI n m): nat_scope.
Lemma leI_up {n p: nat}: n <~ p → n <~ p.+1.
induction 1. constructor. now constructor. now constructor.
Lemma leI_0 {p}: O <~ p.
induction p. now constructor. now apply leI_up.
Lemma leI_lower_both {n p}: p.+1 <~ n.+1 → p <~ n.
induction 1 using leI_rec with (P := fun p n _ ⇒ pred p <~ pred n).
now constructor. destruct p0. now apply leI_0. now constructor.
Lemma leI_raise_both {n p}: p <~ n → p.+1 <~ n.+1.
induction 1. now constructor. now constructor.