An "indexed" construction of ν-parametric sets
For ν=1, this builds augmented semi-simplicial sets
For ν=2, this builds semi-cubical sets
Import Logic.EqNotations.
Require Import Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
From Bonak Require Import Notation.
From Bonak Require Import RewLemmas.
(* Note: this import overrides { & } notation and introduces hforall *)
Set Warnings "-notation-overridden".
From Bonak Require Import HSet.
From Bonak Require Import LeYoneda.
Set Primitive Projections.
Set Printing Projections.
Set Keyed Unification.
Remove Printing Let sigT.
Remove Printing Let prod.
The universe where the ν-parametric sets live
Universe m.
The universe where the type of ν-parametric sets live
The arity ν of parametric sets
A ν-parametric set is a family of sets obtained by iterating
Reynolds' parametricity translation.
For ν=1: this is a collection of colors, of points depending on a
color, of lines connecting two points of the same color, of
triangles filling a frame made of three connected lines, of
tetrahedra filling a frame made of four glued triangles, etc.
Intuitively, this is:
X₀ : hSet colors
X₁ : X₀ → hSet points
X₂ : Πx₀:X₀. X₁x₀ × X₁x₀ → hSet lines
X₃ : Πx₀:X₀. Πy₀y₁y₂:X₁x₀. X₂x₀(y₀,y₁) × X₂x₀(y₀,y₂) × X₂x₀(y₁y₂) → hSet triangles
Formally, following the recursive recipe defined in the file,
this is equivalently defined as:
X₀ : unit → hSet colors
X₁ : Σ⋆:unit.X₀⋆ → hSet points
X₂ : Σx₁:(Σx₀:(Σ⋆:unit.X₀⋆).X₁x₀).X₁(x₁.1) → hSet lines
X₃ : Σx₂':(Σx₂:(Σx₁':(Σx₁:(Σx₀:(Σ⋆:unit.X₀⋆).X₁x₀).X₁(x₁.1)).X₂(x₁')).
X₂((x₂'.,x₂'.1.1.2),x₂'.2.1) → hSet triangles
where each Xₙ has generically a type Xₙ : frameₙₙ(X₀,...,Xₙ₋₁) → hSet
Above, frameₙₙ has type pspₙ → hSet, where psp, standing for
"parametric set prefix", represents an initial sequence
X₀,...,Xₙ₋₁ of parametric sets.
Also, arguments of each Xᵢ in a frame are computed from
previous arguments using "restrictions". These restrictions
themselves obey coherence rules.
For ν=2: this is a collection of points, of lines connecting two
points, of squares filling a frame made of four lines, of cubes
filling a frame made of six squares, etc.
Intuitively, this is:
X₀ : hSet points
X₁ : X₀×X₀ → hSet lines
X₂ : Πx₀₀x₀₁x₁₀x₁₁:X₀. X₁x₀₀x₁₀ × X₁x₁₀x₁₁ × X₁x₀₀x₀₁ × X₁x₁₀x₁₁ → hSet squares
Formally, it is built on a variant of frame that takes 2 copies of each X instead of 1.
The construction mutually builds the type of frames, frame
restrictions and coherence conditions on frame restrictions.
The construction maintains at each step of the induction the three
last levels of frames (called frame'', frame', frame), the
two restrictions between them (called restrFrame' and
restrFrame) and the coherence between these two restrictions
(called cohFrame).
FrameBlockPrev consists of the levels we remember before the
current one and for each such previous data, FrameBlock
consists of the data to maintain at the current level.
Class FrameBlockPrev n (prefix: Type@{m'}) := {
frame' p {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n}: prefix → HSet@{m};
frame'' p {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n}: prefix → HSet@{m};
restrFrame' p q {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2} (Hq: q.+2 ≤ n) (ε: arity) {D}:
frame' p D → frame'' p D;
Arguments frame' {n prefix} _ p {Hp} D.
Arguments frame'' {n prefix} _ p {Hp} D.
Arguments restrFrame' {n prefix} _ p q {Hpq Hq} ε {D} d.
Class FrameBlock n p (prefix: Type@{m'})
(FramePrev: FrameBlockPrev n prefix) := {
frame {Hp: p ≤ n}: prefix → HSet@{m};
restrFrame q {Hpq: p.+1 ≤ q.+1} {Hq: q.+1 ≤ n} (ε: arity) {D}:
frame D → FramePrev.(frame') p D;
cohFrame r q {Hpr: p.+2 ≤ r.+2} {Hrq: r.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n}
{ε ω} {D} (d: frame D):
FramePrev.(restrFrame') p q ε (restrFrame r ω d) =
FramePrev.(restrFrame') p r ω (restrFrame q.+1 ε d);
Arguments frame {n} p {prefix FramePrev} _ {Hp} D.
Arguments restrFrame {n p prefix FramePrev} _ q {Hpq Hq} ε {D} d.
Arguments cohFrame {n p prefix FramePrev} _ r q {Hpr Hrq Hq ε ω D} d.
(* We want ε and ω to be printed, but have them inferred;
Coq doesn't support this. *)
frame' p {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n}: prefix → HSet@{m};
frame'' p {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n}: prefix → HSet@{m};
restrFrame' p q {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2} (Hq: q.+2 ≤ n) (ε: arity) {D}:
frame' p D → frame'' p D;
Arguments frame' {n prefix} _ p {Hp} D.
Arguments frame'' {n prefix} _ p {Hp} D.
Arguments restrFrame' {n prefix} _ p q {Hpq Hq} ε {D} d.
Class FrameBlock n p (prefix: Type@{m'})
(FramePrev: FrameBlockPrev n prefix) := {
frame {Hp: p ≤ n}: prefix → HSet@{m};
restrFrame q {Hpq: p.+1 ≤ q.+1} {Hq: q.+1 ≤ n} (ε: arity) {D}:
frame D → FramePrev.(frame') p D;
cohFrame r q {Hpr: p.+2 ≤ r.+2} {Hrq: r.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n}
{ε ω} {D} (d: frame D):
FramePrev.(restrFrame') p q ε (restrFrame r ω d) =
FramePrev.(restrFrame') p r ω (restrFrame q.+1 ε d);
Arguments frame {n} p {prefix FramePrev} _ {Hp} D.
Arguments restrFrame {n p prefix FramePrev} _ q {Hpq Hq} ε {D} d.
Arguments cohFrame {n p prefix FramePrev} _ r q {Hpr Hrq Hq ε ω D} d.
(* We want ε and ω to be printed, but have them inferred;
Coq doesn't support this. *)
We build paintings using an iterated construction: a painting at level n
depends on paintings at level n-1 and n-2; just as we have frame' and
frame'', we have painting' and painting''.
Class PaintingBlockPrev n (prefix: Type@{m'})
(FramePrev : FrameBlockPrev n prefix) := {
painting' {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n} {D}:
FramePrev.(frame') p D → HSet@{m};
painting'' {p} {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n} {D}:
FramePrev.(frame'') p D → HSet@{m};
restrPainting' p q {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2} (Hq: q.+2 ≤ n) ε {D}
{d: FramePrev.(frame') p D}:
painting' d → painting'' (FramePrev.(restrFrame') p q ε d);
Arguments painting' {n prefix FramePrev} _ {p Hp D} d.
Arguments painting'' {n prefix FramePrev} _ {p Hp D} d.
Arguments restrPainting' {n prefix FramePrev} _ p q {Hpq Hq} ε {D} [d] b.
(FramePrev : FrameBlockPrev n prefix) := {
painting' {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n} {D}:
FramePrev.(frame') p D → HSet@{m};
painting'' {p} {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n} {D}:
FramePrev.(frame'') p D → HSet@{m};
restrPainting' p q {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2} (Hq: q.+2 ≤ n) ε {D}
{d: FramePrev.(frame') p D}:
painting' d → painting'' (FramePrev.(restrFrame') p q ε d);
Arguments painting' {n prefix FramePrev} _ {p Hp D} d.
Arguments painting'' {n prefix FramePrev} _ {p Hp D} d.
Arguments restrPainting' {n prefix FramePrev} _ p q {Hpq Hq} ε {D} [d] b.
Painting consists of painting, restrPainting, and coherence conditions between them
Class PaintingBlock n (prefix: Type@{m'})
{FramePrev: FrameBlockPrev n prefix}
(PaintingPrev: PaintingBlockPrev n prefix FramePrev)
(Frame: ∀ {p}, FrameBlock n p prefix FramePrev) := {
painting {p} {Hp: p ≤ n} {D}:
(Frame.(frame n) D → HSet@{m}) → Frame.(frame p) D → HSet@{m};
restrPainting p q {Hpq: p.+1 ≤ q.+1} {Hq: q.+1 ≤ n} ε {D}
{E: Frame.(frame n) D → HSet@{m}} {d: Frame.(frame p) D}
(c: painting E d):
PaintingPrev.(painting') (Frame.(restrFrame) q ε d);
cohPainting p r q {Hpr: p.+2 ≤ r.+2} {Hrq: r.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n}
ε ω {D} (E: Frame.(frame n) D → HSet@{m}) (d: Frame.(frame p) D)
(c: painting E d):
rew [PaintingPrev.(painting'')] (Frame.(cohFrame) r q d) in
PaintingPrev.(restrPainting') p q ε (restrPainting p r ω c) =
(PaintingPrev.(restrPainting') p r ω (restrPainting p q.+1 ε c));
Arguments painting {n prefix FramePrev PaintingPrev Frame} _ {p Hp D} E.
Arguments restrPainting {n prefix FramePrev PaintingPrev Frame} _ p q
{Hpq Hq ε D E} [d] c.
Arguments cohPainting {n prefix FramePrev PaintingPrev Frame} _ p r q
{Hpr Hrq Hq ε ω D E d} c.
{FramePrev: FrameBlockPrev n prefix}
(PaintingPrev: PaintingBlockPrev n prefix FramePrev)
(Frame: ∀ {p}, FrameBlock n p prefix FramePrev) := {
painting {p} {Hp: p ≤ n} {D}:
(Frame.(frame n) D → HSet@{m}) → Frame.(frame p) D → HSet@{m};
restrPainting p q {Hpq: p.+1 ≤ q.+1} {Hq: q.+1 ≤ n} ε {D}
{E: Frame.(frame n) D → HSet@{m}} {d: Frame.(frame p) D}
(c: painting E d):
PaintingPrev.(painting') (Frame.(restrFrame) q ε d);
cohPainting p r q {Hpr: p.+2 ≤ r.+2} {Hrq: r.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n}
ε ω {D} (E: Frame.(frame n) D → HSet@{m}) (d: Frame.(frame p) D)
(c: painting E d):
rew [PaintingPrev.(painting'')] (Frame.(cohFrame) r q d) in
PaintingPrev.(restrPainting') p q ε (restrPainting p r ω c) =
(PaintingPrev.(restrPainting') p r ω (restrPainting p q.+1 ε c));
Arguments painting {n prefix FramePrev PaintingPrev Frame} _ {p Hp D} E.
Arguments restrPainting {n prefix FramePrev PaintingPrev Frame} _ p q
{Hpq Hq ε D E} [d] c.
Arguments cohPainting {n prefix FramePrev PaintingPrev Frame} _ p r q
{Hpr Hrq Hq ε ω D E d} c.
An ν-parametric type truncated at level n consists of:
- a prefix of parametric types up to dimension n,
- a type of frames with their restrictions and coherence of restrictions Frame (depending on their values are dimension n-1 and n-2) that are Σ-types of length n that is recursively built out by induction on some p ranging from 0 to n
- a type of paintings (with their restrictions and coherence of restrictions) Painting (depending on their values PaintingPrev at dimensions n-1 and n-2) that are also recursively built out from partial paintings
- axioms characterizing the definition of Frame and Painting in the previous dimensions, so that the induction can be carried
Class νType n := {
prefix: Type@{m'};
FramePrev: FrameBlockPrev n prefix;
Frame {p}: FrameBlock n p prefix FramePrev;
PaintingPrev: PaintingBlockPrev n prefix FramePrev;
Painting: PaintingBlock n prefix PaintingPrev (@Frame);
Abbreviations for ν-family of previous paintings, one for
each ϵ-restriction of the previous frame (ϵ∈ν)
Layer {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n} {D} (d: Frame.(frame p) D) :=
hforall ε, PaintingPrev.(painting') (Frame.(restrFrame) p ε d);
Layer' {p} {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n} {D} (d: FramePrev.(frame') p D) :=
hforall ε, PaintingPrev.(painting'') (FramePrev.(restrFrame') p p ε d);
RestrLayer {p q} {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n} ε {D}
{d: Frame.(frame p) D}:
Layer d → Layer' (Frame.(restrFrame) q.+1 ε d) :=
fun l ω ⇒ rew [PaintingPrev.(painting'')] Frame.(cohFrame) p q d in
PaintingPrev.(restrPainting') p q ε (l ω);
hforall ε, PaintingPrev.(painting') (Frame.(restrFrame) p ε d);
Layer' {p} {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n} {D} (d: FramePrev.(frame') p D) :=
hforall ε, PaintingPrev.(painting'') (FramePrev.(restrFrame') p p ε d);
RestrLayer {p q} {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n} ε {D}
{d: Frame.(frame p) D}:
Layer d → Layer' (Frame.(restrFrame) q.+1 ε d) :=
fun l ω ⇒ rew [PaintingPrev.(painting'')] Frame.(cohFrame) p q d in
PaintingPrev.(restrPainting') p q ε (l ω);
Equations carrying the definition of frame and painting from level
n-1 and n-2
eqFrame0 {len0: 0 ≤ n} {D}: Frame.(frame 0) D = hunit :> Type;
eqFrame0' {len1: 1 ≤ n} {D}: FramePrev.(frame') 0 D = hunit :> Type;
eqFrameSp {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n} {D}:
Frame.(frame p.+1) D = {d: Frame.(frame p) D & Layer d} :> Type;
eqFrameSp' {p} {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n} {D}:
FramePrev.(frame') p.+1 D = {d: FramePrev.(frame') p D & Layer' d}
:> Type;
eqRestrFrame0 {q} {Hpq: 1 ≤ q.+1} {Hq: q.+1 ≤ n} {ε} {D}:
Frame.(restrFrame (p:=0)) q ε (rew <- [id] eqFrame0 (D := D) in tt) =
rew <- [id] eqFrame0' in tt;
eqRestrFrameSp {ε p q} {D} {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n}
{d: Frame.(frame p) D} {l: Layer d}:
Frame.(restrFrame (p:=p.+1)) q.+1 ε (rew <- [id] eqFrameSp in (d; l)) =
rew <- [id] eqFrameSp' in (Frame.(restrFrame) q.+1 ε d; RestrLayer ε l);
eqPaintingSp {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n} {D E d}:
Painting.(painting) (p := p) E d = {l: Layer d &
Painting.(painting) (D := D) E (rew <- [id] eqFrameSp in (d; l))}
:> Type;
eqPaintingSp' {p} {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n} {D d}:
PaintingPrev.(painting') (p := p) d = {b : Layer' d &
PaintingPrev.(painting') (rew <- [id] eqFrameSp' (D := D) in (d; b))}
:> Type;
eqRestrPainting0 {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n} {ε} {D E d} {l: Layer d}
(Q: Painting.(painting) (D := D) E (rew <- eqFrameSp in (d; l))):
l ε = Painting.(restrPainting) p p
(rew <- [id] eqPaintingSp in (l; Q));
eqRestrPaintingSp p q {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n} {ε} {D E d}
{l: Layer d}
{Q: Painting.(painting) (D := D) E (rew <- eqFrameSp in (d; l))}:
Painting.(restrPainting) p q.+1 (ε := ε)
(rew <- [id] eqPaintingSp in (l; Q)) =
rew <- [id] eqPaintingSp' in
(RestrLayer ε l; rew [PaintingPrev.(painting')] eqRestrFrameSp in
Painting.(restrPainting) p.+1 q.+1 Q);
Arguments prefix {n} _.
Arguments FramePrev {n} _.
Arguments PaintingPrev {n} _.
Arguments Frame {n} _ {p}.
Arguments Painting {n} _.
Arguments Layer {n} _ {p Hp D} d.
Arguments Layer' {n} _ {p Hp D} d.
Arguments RestrLayer {n} _ p q {Hpq Hq} ε {D d} l.
Arguments eqFrame0 {n} _ {len0 D}.
Arguments eqFrame0' {n} _ {len1 D}.
Arguments eqFrameSp {n} _ {p Hp D}.
Arguments eqFrameSp' {n} _ {p Hp D}.
Arguments eqRestrFrame0 {n} _ {q Hpq Hq ε D}.
Arguments eqRestrFrameSp {n} _ {ε p q D Hpq Hq d l}.
Arguments eqPaintingSp {n} _ {p Hp D E d}.
Arguments eqPaintingSp' {n} _ {p Hp D d}.
Arguments eqRestrPainting0 {n} _ {p Hp ε D E d l} Q.
Arguments eqRestrPaintingSp {n} _ p q {Hpq Hq ε D E d l Q}.
eqFrame0' {len1: 1 ≤ n} {D}: FramePrev.(frame') 0 D = hunit :> Type;
eqFrameSp {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n} {D}:
Frame.(frame p.+1) D = {d: Frame.(frame p) D & Layer d} :> Type;
eqFrameSp' {p} {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n} {D}:
FramePrev.(frame') p.+1 D = {d: FramePrev.(frame') p D & Layer' d}
:> Type;
eqRestrFrame0 {q} {Hpq: 1 ≤ q.+1} {Hq: q.+1 ≤ n} {ε} {D}:
Frame.(restrFrame (p:=0)) q ε (rew <- [id] eqFrame0 (D := D) in tt) =
rew <- [id] eqFrame0' in tt;
eqRestrFrameSp {ε p q} {D} {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n}
{d: Frame.(frame p) D} {l: Layer d}:
Frame.(restrFrame (p:=p.+1)) q.+1 ε (rew <- [id] eqFrameSp in (d; l)) =
rew <- [id] eqFrameSp' in (Frame.(restrFrame) q.+1 ε d; RestrLayer ε l);
eqPaintingSp {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n} {D E d}:
Painting.(painting) (p := p) E d = {l: Layer d &
Painting.(painting) (D := D) E (rew <- [id] eqFrameSp in (d; l))}
:> Type;
eqPaintingSp' {p} {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n} {D d}:
PaintingPrev.(painting') (p := p) d = {b : Layer' d &
PaintingPrev.(painting') (rew <- [id] eqFrameSp' (D := D) in (d; b))}
:> Type;
eqRestrPainting0 {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n} {ε} {D E d} {l: Layer d}
(Q: Painting.(painting) (D := D) E (rew <- eqFrameSp in (d; l))):
l ε = Painting.(restrPainting) p p
(rew <- [id] eqPaintingSp in (l; Q));
eqRestrPaintingSp p q {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n} {ε} {D E d}
{l: Layer d}
{Q: Painting.(painting) (D := D) E (rew <- eqFrameSp in (d; l))}:
Painting.(restrPainting) p q.+1 (ε := ε)
(rew <- [id] eqPaintingSp in (l; Q)) =
rew <- [id] eqPaintingSp' in
(RestrLayer ε l; rew [PaintingPrev.(painting')] eqRestrFrameSp in
Painting.(restrPainting) p.+1 q.+1 Q);
Arguments prefix {n} _.
Arguments FramePrev {n} _.
Arguments PaintingPrev {n} _.
Arguments Frame {n} _ {p}.
Arguments Painting {n} _.
Arguments Layer {n} _ {p Hp D} d.
Arguments Layer' {n} _ {p Hp D} d.
Arguments RestrLayer {n} _ p q {Hpq Hq} ε {D d} l.
Arguments eqFrame0 {n} _ {len0 D}.
Arguments eqFrame0' {n} _ {len1 D}.
Arguments eqFrameSp {n} _ {p Hp D}.
Arguments eqFrameSp' {n} _ {p Hp D}.
Arguments eqRestrFrame0 {n} _ {q Hpq Hq ε D}.
Arguments eqRestrFrameSp {n} _ {ε p q D Hpq Hq d l}.
Arguments eqPaintingSp {n} _ {p Hp D E d}.
Arguments eqPaintingSp' {n} _ {p Hp D d}.
Arguments eqRestrPainting0 {n} _ {p Hp ε D E d l} Q.
Arguments eqRestrPaintingSp {n} _ p q {Hpq Hq ε D E d l Q}.
The construction of νType n+1 from νType n
Extending the initial prefix
Definition mkprefix {n} {C: νType n}: Type@{m'} :=
sigT (fun D : C.(prefix) ⇒ C.(Frame).(frame n) D → HSet@{m}).
sigT (fun D : C.(prefix) ⇒ C.(Frame).(frame n) D → HSet@{m}).
Memoizing the previous levels of Frame
Definition mkFramePrev {n} {C: νType n}: FrameBlockPrev n.+1 mkprefix := {|
frame' p (Hp: p.+1 ≤ n.+1) D := C.(Frame).(frame p) D.1;
frame'' p (Hp: p.+2 ≤ n.+1) D := C.(FramePrev).(frame') p D.1;
restrFrame' p q (Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2) (Hq: q.+2 ≤ n.+1) ε D d :=
C.(Frame).(restrFrame) q ε d;
frame' p (Hp: p.+1 ≤ n.+1) D := C.(Frame).(frame p) D.1;
frame'' p (Hp: p.+2 ≤ n.+1) D := C.(FramePrev).(frame') p D.1;
restrFrame' p q (Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2) (Hq: q.+2 ≤ n.+1) ε D d :=
C.(Frame).(restrFrame) q ε d;
The coherence conditions that Frame needs to satisfy to build the next level
of Frame. These will be used in the proof script of mkFrame.
Definition mkLayer {n} {C: νType n} {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n.+1}
{Frame: FrameBlock n.+1 p mkprefix mkFramePrev}
{D} (d: Frame.(frame p) D): HSet :=
hforall ε, C.(Painting).(painting) D.2 (Frame.(restrFrame) p ε d).
Definition mkLayer' {n} {C: νType n} {p} {Hp: p.+2 ≤ n.+1}
{D} (d: mkFramePrev.(frame' (n := n.+1)) p D): HSet := C.(Layer) d.
Definition mkRestrLayer {n} {C: νType n} p q {Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2}
{Hq: q.+2 ≤ n.+1} {ε} {Frame: FrameBlock n.+1 p mkprefix mkFramePrev}
{D} {d: Frame.(frame p) D}:
mkLayer d → mkLayer' (Frame.(restrFrame) q.+1 ε d) :=
fun l ω ⇒ rew [C.(PaintingPrev).(painting')] Frame.(cohFrame) p q d in
C.(Painting).(restrPainting) p q (ε := ε) (l ω).
Definition mkCohLayer {n} {C: νType n} {p r q} {Hpr: p.+3 ≤ r.+3}
{Hrq: r.+3 ≤ q.+3} {Hq: q.+3 ≤ n.+1} {ε ω}
{Frame: FrameBlock n.+1 p mkprefix mkFramePrev}
{D} {d: Frame.(frame p) D} (l: mkLayer d):
let sl := C.(RestrLayer) p q ε (mkRestrLayer p r l) in
let sl' := C.(RestrLayer) p r ω (mkRestrLayer p q.+1 l) in
rew [C.(Layer')] Frame.(cohFrame) r.+1 q.+1 d in sl = sl'.
intros ×.
subst sl sl'; apply functional_extensionality_dep; intros 𝛉; unfold Layer'.
rewrite <- map_subst_app with
(P := fun 𝛉 x ⇒ C.(PaintingPrev).(painting'')
(C.(FramePrev).(restrFrame') p p 𝛉 x)).
unfold RestrLayer, mkRestrLayer.
rewrite <- map_subst with (f := C.(PaintingPrev).(restrPainting') p q ε).
rewrite <- map_subst with
(f := C.(PaintingPrev).(restrPainting') p r ω).
rewrite rew_map with
(P := fun x ⇒ C.(PaintingPrev).(painting'') x)
(f := fun x ⇒ C.(FramePrev).(restrFrame') p p 𝛉 x),
rew_map with
(P := fun x ⇒ C.(PaintingPrev).(painting'') x)
(f := fun x ⇒ C.(FramePrev).(restrFrame') p q ε x),
rew_map with
(P := fun x ⇒ C.(PaintingPrev).(painting'') x)
(f := fun x ⇒ C.(FramePrev).(restrFrame') p r ω x).
rewrite <- (C.(Painting).(cohPainting) p r q).
repeat rewrite rew_compose.
apply rew_swap with (P := fun x ⇒ C.(PaintingPrev).(painting'') x).
rewrite rew_app. now trivial.
now apply (C.(FramePrev).(frame'') p _).(UIP).
The Frame at level n.+1 with p = O
Instance mkFrame0 {n} {C: νType n}: FrameBlock n.+1 O mkprefix mkFramePrev.
unshelve esplit.
× intros; now exact hunit. (* FrameSn *)
× simpl; intros; rewrite C.(eqFrame0); now exact tt. (* restrFrameSn *)
× simpl; intros. (* cohFramep *)
now repeat rewrite eqRestrFrame0.
Instance mkFrame0 {n} {C: νType n}: FrameBlock n.+1 O mkprefix mkFramePrev.
unshelve esplit.
× intros; now exact hunit. (* FrameSn *)
× simpl; intros; rewrite C.(eqFrame0); now exact tt. (* restrFrameSn *)
× simpl; intros. (* cohFramep *)
now repeat rewrite eqRestrFrame0.
The Frame at level n.+1 for p.+1 knowing the Frame at level n.+1 for p
Instance mkFrameSp {n} {C: νType n} {p}
{Frame: FrameBlock n.+1 p mkprefix mkFramePrev}:
FrameBlock n.+1 p.+1 mkprefix mkFramePrev.
unshelve esplit.
× intros Hp D; exact {d : Frame.(frame p) D & mkLayer d}.
× simpl; intros × ε × (d, l); invert_le Hpq. (* restrFramep *)
now exact (rew <- [id] C.(eqFrameSp) in
(Frame.(restrFrame) _ ε d; mkRestrLayer p q l)).
× simpl; intros q r Hpr Hrq Hq ε ω D (d, l). (* cohframep *)
invert_le Hpr; invert_le Hrq.
(* A roundabout way to simplify the proof of mkCohPainting_step *)
apply C.(eqRestrFrameSp).
2: symmetry; apply C.(eqRestrFrameSp).
apply f_equal with (B := C.(FramePrev).(frame') _ D.1)
(f := fun x ⇒ rew <- (C.(eqFrameSp') (p := p)) in x).
now exact (= Frame.(cohFrame) q.+1 r.+1 d; mkCohLayer l).
Instance mkFrameSp {n} {C: νType n} {p}
{Frame: FrameBlock n.+1 p mkprefix mkFramePrev}:
FrameBlock n.+1 p.+1 mkprefix mkFramePrev.
unshelve esplit.
× intros Hp D; exact {d : Frame.(frame p) D & mkLayer d}.
× simpl; intros × ε × (d, l); invert_le Hpq. (* restrFramep *)
now exact (rew <- [id] C.(eqFrameSp) in
(Frame.(restrFrame) _ ε d; mkRestrLayer p q l)).
× simpl; intros q r Hpr Hrq Hq ε ω D (d, l). (* cohframep *)
invert_le Hpr; invert_le Hrq.
(* A roundabout way to simplify the proof of mkCohPainting_step *)
apply C.(eqRestrFrameSp).
2: symmetry; apply C.(eqRestrFrameSp).
apply f_equal with (B := C.(FramePrev).(frame') _ D.1)
(f := fun x ⇒ rew <- (C.(eqFrameSp') (p := p)) in x).
now exact (= Frame.(cohFrame) q.+1 r.+1 d; mkCohLayer l).
Finally, we can define mkFrame at level n.+1 for all p
Instance mkFrame {n} {C: νType n} p: FrameBlock n.+1 p mkprefix mkFramePrev.
induction p.
× now exact mkFrame0. (* p = O *)
× now exact mkFrameSp. (* p = S _ *)
Instance mkFrame {n} {C: νType n} p: FrameBlock n.+1 p mkprefix mkFramePrev.
induction p.
× now exact mkFrame0. (* p = O *)
× now exact mkFrameSp. (* p = S _ *)
For Painting, we take a different strategy. We first define mkpainting,
mkRestrPainting, and lemmas corresponding to their computational properties
First, memoizing the previous levels of Painting
Instance mkPaintingPrev {n} {C: νType n}:
PaintingBlockPrev n.+1 mkprefix mkFramePrev :=
painting' p (Hp: p.+1 ≤ n.+1) D := C.(Painting).(painting) D.2:
mkFramePrev.(frame') p D → HSet; (* Coq bug? *)
painting'' p (Hp: p.+2 ≤ n.+1) D (d: mkFramePrev.(frame'') p D) :=
C.(PaintingPrev).(painting') d;
restrPainting' p q (Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2) (Hq: q.+2 ≤ n.+1) (ε: arity) D d b :=
C.(Painting).(restrPainting) p q (E := D.2) b;
Instance mkPaintingPrev {n} {C: νType n}:
PaintingBlockPrev n.+1 mkprefix mkFramePrev :=
painting' p (Hp: p.+1 ≤ n.+1) D := C.(Painting).(painting) D.2:
mkFramePrev.(frame') p D → HSet; (* Coq bug? *)
painting'' p (Hp: p.+2 ≤ n.+1) D (d: mkFramePrev.(frame'') p D) :=
C.(PaintingPrev).(painting') d;
restrPainting' p q (Hpq: p.+2 ≤ q.+2) (Hq: q.+2 ≤ n.+1) (ε: arity) D d b :=
C.(Painting).(restrPainting) p q (E := D.2) b;
Then, the component painting of Painting, built by upwards induction from p to n
Definition mkPaintingType {n} {C: νType n} {p} {Hp: p ≤ n.+1} {D}
(E: (mkFrame n.+1).(frame n.+1) D → HSet)
(d: (mkFrame p).(frame p) D): HSet.
revert d; apply le_induction with (Hp := Hp); clear p Hp.
× now exact E. (* p = n *)
× intros p Hp mkPaintingTypeSp d. (* p = S n *)
now exact {l : mkLayer d & mkPaintingTypeSp (d; l)}.
Lemma mkpainting_computes {n p} {C: νType n} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n.+1} {D}
{E: (mkFrame n.+1).(frame n.+1) D → HSet} {d}:
mkPaintingType (Hp := ↓ Hp) E d =
{l : mkLayer d & mkPaintingType (Hp := Hp) E (d; l)} :> Type.
unfold mkPaintingType; now rewrite le_induction_step_computes.
Now, restrPainting, and the corresponding computational properties.
Definition mkRestrPainting {n} {C: νType n} p q {Hpq: p.+1 ≤ q.+1}
{Hq: q.+1 ≤ n.+1} {ε} {D} E (d: (mkFrame p).(frame p) D)
(c: mkPaintingType (Hp := ↓ (Hpq ↕ Hq)) E d):
mkPaintingPrev.(painting') ((mkFrame p).(restrFrame) q ε d).
revert d c; simpl. apply le_induction' with (Hp := Hpq).
× intros d c. destruct (rew [id] mkpainting_computes in c) as (l, _).
now exact (l ε).
× clear p Hpq; intros p Hpq mkRestrPaintingSp d c; invert_le Hpq.
destruct (rew [id] mkpainting_computes in c) as (l, c'). clear c.
rewrite C.(eqPaintingSp). apply mkRestrPaintingSp in c'.
now exact (mkRestrLayer p q l; c').
Lemma mkRestrPainting_base_computes {n} {C: νType n} {p} {Hp: p.+1 ≤ n.+1}
{ε} {D E} {d: (mkFrame p).(frame p) D} {c}:
mkRestrPainting p p E d c =
match (rew [id] mkpainting_computes in c) with
| (l; _) ⇒ l ε
unfold mkRestrPainting; now rewrite le_induction'_base_computes.
Lemma mkRestrPainting_step_computes {n} {C: νType n} {r q} {Hrq: r.+2 ≤ q.+2}
{Hq: q.+2 ≤ n.+1} {ε} {D E} {d: (mkFrame r).(frame r) D} {c}:
mkRestrPainting r q.+1 (Hpq := ↓ Hrq) (Hq := Hq) (ε := ε) E d c =
match (rew [id] mkpainting_computes in c) with
| (l; c) ⇒ rew <- [id] C.(eqPaintingSp) in
(mkRestrLayer r q l; mkRestrPainting r.+1 q.+1 E (d; l) c)
unfold mkRestrPainting; now rewrite le_induction'_step_computes.
Now, for the last part of the proof: proving coherence conditions
on cohPainting
The base case is easily discharged
Definition mkCohPainting_base {n} {C: νType n} {r q}
{Hrq: r.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n.+1} {ε ω}
{D} {E: (mkFrame n.+1).(frame n.+1) D → HSet}
(d: (mkFrame r).(frame r) D) (c: mkPaintingType E d):
rew [mkPaintingPrev.(painting'')] (mkFrame r).(cohFrame) r q d in
mkPaintingPrev.(restrPainting') r q ε
(mkRestrPainting r r (ε := ω) E d c) =
mkPaintingPrev.(restrPainting') r r ω
(mkRestrPainting r q.+1 (ε := ε) E d c).
rewrite mkRestrPainting_base_computes, mkRestrPainting_step_computes.
destruct (rew [id] mkpainting_computes in c) as (l, c'); clear c.
now exact (C.(eqRestrPainting0) (mkRestrPainting r.+1 q.+1 E (_; _) c')).
{Hrq: r.+2 ≤ q.+2} {Hq: q.+2 ≤ n.+1} {ε ω}
{D} {E: (mkFrame n.+1).(frame n.+1) D → HSet}
(d: (mkFrame r).(frame r) D) (c: mkPaintingType E d):
rew [mkPaintingPrev.(painting'')] (mkFrame r).(cohFrame) r q d in
mkPaintingPrev.(restrPainting') r q ε
(mkRestrPainting r r (ε := ω) E d c) =
mkPaintingPrev.(restrPainting') r r ω
(mkRestrPainting r q.+1 (ε := ε) E d c).
rewrite mkRestrPainting_base_computes, mkRestrPainting_step_computes.
destruct (rew [id] mkpainting_computes in c) as (l, c'); clear c.
now exact (C.(eqRestrPainting0) (mkRestrPainting r.+1 q.+1 E (_; _) c')).
A small abbreviation
Definition mkCohPaintingHyp {n} {C: νType n}
p r q {Hpr: p.+2 ≤ r.+3} {Hrq: r.+3 ≤ q.+3} {Hq: q.+3 ≤ n.+1}
ε ω {D} {E: (mkFrame n.+1).(frame n.+1) D → HSet}
{d: (mkFrame p).(frame p) D}
(c: mkPaintingType E d) :=
rew [mkPaintingPrev.(painting'')] (mkFrame p).(cohFrame) r.+1 q.+1 d in
C.(Painting).(restrPainting) p q.+1 (ε := ε)
(mkRestrPainting p r.+1 E d c) =
C.(Painting).(restrPainting) p r.+1 (ε := ω)
(mkRestrPainting p q.+2 (ε := ε) E d c).
p r q {Hpr: p.+2 ≤ r.+3} {Hrq: r.+3 ≤ q.+3} {Hq: q.+3 ≤ n.+1}
ε ω {D} {E: (mkFrame n.+1).(frame n.+1) D → HSet}
{d: (mkFrame p).(frame p) D}
(c: mkPaintingType E d) :=
rew [mkPaintingPrev.(painting'')] (mkFrame p).(cohFrame) r.+1 q.+1 d in
C.(Painting).(restrPainting) p q.+1 (ε := ε)
(mkRestrPainting p r.+1 E d c) =
C.(Painting).(restrPainting) p r.+1 (ε := ω)
(mkRestrPainting p q.+2 (ε := ε) E d c).
The step case is discharged as (mkCohLayer; IHP)
Definition mkCohPainting_step {n} {C: νType n} {p r q} {Hpr: p.+3 ≤ r.+3}
{Hrq: r.+3 ≤ q.+3} {Hq: q.+3 ≤ n.+1} {ε ω}
{D} {E: (mkFrame n.+1).(frame n.+1) D → HSet}
{d: (mkFrame p).(frame p) D} {c: mkPaintingType E d}
{IHP: ∀ (d: (mkFrame p.+1).(frame p.+1) D)
(c: mkPaintingType E d), mkCohPaintingHyp p.+1 r q ε ω c}:
mkCohPaintingHyp p r q ε ω c.
unfold mkCohPaintingHyp in ×.
do 2 rewrite mkRestrPainting_step_computes.
destruct (rew [id] mkpainting_computes in c) as (l, c'); clear c.
rewrite (C.(eqRestrPaintingSp) p q), (C.(eqRestrPaintingSp) p r).
rewrite <- rew_permute with (H := @eqPaintingSp' _ _ _ _ _).
unshelve eapply (rew_existT_curried
(Q := fun x ⇒
C.(PaintingPrev).(painting') (rew <- [id] C.(eqFrameSp') in x))).
now exact (mkCohLayer l).
rewrite <- IHP with (d := (d; l)) (c := c').
simpl (mkFrame p.+1). unfold mkPaintingPrev, painting''.
unfold mkFrameSp, cohFrame.
rewrite rew_map with (P := fun x ⇒ C.(PaintingPrev).(painting') x)
(f := fun x ⇒ rew <- [id] C.(eqFrameSp') in x).
repeat rewrite rew_compose.
repeat rewrite <- eq_trans_assoc.
now rewrite eq_trans_sym_inv_l, eq_trans_refl_r.
{Hrq: r.+3 ≤ q.+3} {Hq: q.+3 ≤ n.+1} {ε ω}
{D} {E: (mkFrame n.+1).(frame n.+1) D → HSet}
{d: (mkFrame p).(frame p) D} {c: mkPaintingType E d}
{IHP: ∀ (d: (mkFrame p.+1).(frame p.+1) D)
(c: mkPaintingType E d), mkCohPaintingHyp p.+1 r q ε ω c}:
mkCohPaintingHyp p r q ε ω c.
unfold mkCohPaintingHyp in ×.
do 2 rewrite mkRestrPainting_step_computes.
destruct (rew [id] mkpainting_computes in c) as (l, c'); clear c.
rewrite (C.(eqRestrPaintingSp) p q), (C.(eqRestrPaintingSp) p r).
rewrite <- rew_permute with (H := @eqPaintingSp' _ _ _ _ _).
unshelve eapply (rew_existT_curried
(Q := fun x ⇒
C.(PaintingPrev).(painting') (rew <- [id] C.(eqFrameSp') in x))).
now exact (mkCohLayer l).
rewrite <- IHP with (d := (d; l)) (c := c').
simpl (mkFrame p.+1). unfold mkPaintingPrev, painting''.
unfold mkFrameSp, cohFrame.
rewrite rew_map with (P := fun x ⇒ C.(PaintingPrev).(painting') x)
(f := fun x ⇒ rew <- [id] C.(eqFrameSp') in x).
repeat rewrite rew_compose.
repeat rewrite <- eq_trans_assoc.
now rewrite eq_trans_sym_inv_l, eq_trans_refl_r.
Build a PaintingBlock n.+1 using what we just defined
Instance mkPainting {n} {C: νType n}:
PaintingBlock n.+1 mkprefix mkPaintingPrev mkFrame.
unshelve esplit; intros p.
× intros *; now exact mkPaintingType.
× intros q Hpq Hq ε d; now exact (mkRestrPainting p q).
× intros ×. revert d c. pattern p, Hpr. apply le_induction''.
+ now exact mkCohPainting_base.
+ clear p Hpr; unfold mkPaintingPrev, restrPainting'; cbv beta iota;
intros p Hpr IHP d c; invert_le Hpr; invert_le Hrq.
now exact (mkCohPainting_step (IHP := IHP)).
Instance mkPainting {n} {C: νType n}:
PaintingBlock n.+1 mkprefix mkPaintingPrev mkFrame.
unshelve esplit; intros p.
× intros *; now exact mkPaintingType.
× intros q Hpq Hq ε d; now exact (mkRestrPainting p q).
× intros ×. revert d c. pattern p, Hpr. apply le_induction''.
+ now exact mkCohPainting_base.
+ clear p Hpr; unfold mkPaintingPrev, restrPainting'; cbv beta iota;
intros p Hpr IHP d c; invert_le Hpr; invert_le Hrq.
now exact (mkCohPainting_step (IHP := IHP)).
The base case of a ν-parametric set (truncated at dimension 0)
Instance mkνType0: νType 0.
unshelve esplit.
- now exact hunit.
- unshelve esplit.
× intros p Hp; now apply leY_contra in Hp.
× intros p Hp; now apply leY_contra in Hp.
× intros *; exfalso; now apply leY_contra in Hq.
- unshelve esplit.
× intros Hp _; now exact hunit.
× intros *; exfalso; now apply leY_contra in Hq.
× intros *; exfalso; clear -Hq; now apply leY_contra in Hq.
- unshelve esplit; intros ×.
× exfalso; now apply leY_contra in Hp.
× exfalso; now apply leY_contra in Hp.
× exfalso; clear -Hq; now apply leY_contra in Hq.
- unshelve esplit.
× intros p Hp D E d. now exact (E d).
× simpl; intros *; exfalso; now apply leY_contra in Hq.
× simpl; intros *; exfalso; now apply leY_contra in Hq.
- now intros ×.
- intros *; exfalso; now apply leY_contra in len1.
- intros *; exfalso; now apply leY_contra in Hp.
- intros *; exfalso; now apply leY_contra in Hp.
- intros *; exfalso; clear -Hq; now apply leY_contra in Hq.
- intros *; exfalso; clear -Hp; now apply leY_contra in Hp.
- intros *; exfalso; clear -Hp; now apply leY_contra in Hp.
- intros *; exfalso; now apply leY_contra in Hq.
- intros *; exfalso; clear -Hp; now apply leY_contra in Hp.
- intros *; exfalso; clear -Hq; now apply leY_contra in Hq.
We are now ready to build an νType n.+1 from an νType n
Instance mkνTypeSn {n} (C: νType n): νType n.+1 :=
prefix := mkprefix;
FramePrev := mkFramePrev;
Frame := mkFrame;
PaintingPrev := mkPaintingPrev;
Painting := mkPainting;
eqFrame0 := ltac:(now intros *);
eqFrame0' := ltac:(intros *; now apply C.(eqFrame0));
eqFrameSp := ltac:(now intros *);
eqFrameSp' := ltac:(intros *; now apply C.(eqFrameSp));
eqRestrFrame0 := ltac:(now intros *);
eqRestrFrameSp := ltac:(now intros *);
eqPaintingSp := ltac:(intros *; now apply mkpainting_computes);
eqPaintingSp' := ltac:(intros *; now apply C.(eqPaintingSp));
eqRestrPainting0 := ltac:(intros *; simpl;
now rewrite mkRestrPainting_base_computes, rew_rew');
eqRestrPaintingSp := ltac:(intros *; simpl;
now rewrite mkRestrPainting_step_computes, rew_rew');
Instance mkνTypeSn {n} (C: νType n): νType n.+1 :=
prefix := mkprefix;
FramePrev := mkFramePrev;
Frame := mkFrame;
PaintingPrev := mkPaintingPrev;
Painting := mkPainting;
eqFrame0 := ltac:(now intros *);
eqFrame0' := ltac:(intros *; now apply C.(eqFrame0));
eqFrameSp := ltac:(now intros *);
eqFrameSp' := ltac:(intros *; now apply C.(eqFrameSp));
eqRestrFrame0 := ltac:(now intros *);
eqRestrFrameSp := ltac:(now intros *);
eqPaintingSp := ltac:(intros *; now apply mkpainting_computes);
eqPaintingSp' := ltac:(intros *; now apply C.(eqPaintingSp));
eqRestrPainting0 := ltac:(intros *; simpl;
now rewrite mkRestrPainting_base_computes, rew_rew');
eqRestrPaintingSp := ltac:(intros *; simpl;
now rewrite mkRestrPainting_step_computes, rew_rew');
An νType truncated up to dimension n
The coinductive suffix of an νType beyond level n
CoInductive νTypeFrom n (X: (νTypeAt n).(prefix)): Type@{m'} := cons {
this: (νTypeAt n).(Frame).(frame n) X → HSet@{m};
next: νTypeFrom n.+1 (X; this);
this: (νTypeAt n).(Frame).(frame n) X → HSet@{m};
next: νTypeFrom n.+1 (X; this);
The final construction
Definition νTypes := νTypeFrom 0 tt.
End νType.
Definition AugmentedSemiSimplicial := νTypes hunit.
Definition SemiSimplicial := νTypeFrom hunit 1 (tt; fun _ ⇒ hunit).
Definition SemiCubical := νTypes hbool.
End νType.
Definition AugmentedSemiSimplicial := νTypes hunit.
Definition SemiSimplicial := νTypeFrom hunit 1 (tt; fun _ ⇒ hunit).
Definition SemiCubical := νTypes hbool.
Some examples